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Fence Right

The Background

Dejex reached out to ClickSlice towards the end of 2021 and was after help to increase the volume of organic sales coming through their Ecommerce website.

Dejex is a national B2B horticulture supplier that sells a wide range of products ranging from fertilisers to PPE.

A police car is parked in front of the certtech web solutions building.
A police car is parked in front of the certtech web solutions building.

The Keywords

As always, we sit down with the client to figure out exactly what they’re looking to achieve and then put together a custom SEO campaign that meets their objectives.

From speaking with Alex, the owner of Dejex, It became very apparent that Dejex is a wholesaler. As a result, they were not interested in generating traffic from the typical local garden enthusiast who was after the odd fertiliser here and there.

They wanted to generate additional traffic from other horticulture businesses that were looking to stock up on more inventory. With this information on board, our keyword research team got to work to compile a list of relevant keywords we could target, below are some of those keywords:

“Wholesale Fertilisers”


“Horticulture Supplies Wholesale Uk”


“Wholesale Plant Pots Suppliers Uk”


“Horticultural Supplies”


The Campaign


Once the keywords were finalised, we immediately started off the campaign with a comprehensive manual SEO audit to assess the current state of the websites SEO. Carrying out an audit from day one is essential to ensure you’re not building your digital real estate on a weak foundation.

The audit made it very clear that the site was suffering from a lot of poor optimisation and lacked internal links. As always, if the client does not already have a target page on their site we can use to go after the keywords, we’ll create a new one for them and also write all the content.



As Dejex, is an Ecommerce website with hundreds of pages, we only had to create an additional 9 pages to target some of the keywords. All the other keywords could be targeted by better optimising their existing pages.

The audit made it very clear that the site was suffering from a lot of poor optimisation and lacked internal links. As always, if the client does not already have a target page on their site we can use to go after the keywords, we’ll create a new one for them and also write all the content.



As Dejex, is an Ecommerce website with hundreds of pages, we only had to create an additional 9 pages to target some of the keywords. All the other keywords could be targeted by better optimising their existing pages.

The Ads

As always, we sit down with the client to figure out exactly what they’re looking to achieve and then put together a custom SEO campaign that meets their objectives.

From speaking with Alex, the owner of Dejex, It became very apparent that Dejex is a wholesaler. As a result, they were not interested in generating traffic from the typical local garden enthusiast who was after the odd fertiliser here and there.

The Results

Dejex is now dominating the first page of Google for all of the core keywords and it’s only been five months!The green arrows under the ‘Google Change’ column indicate how many positions their website rose in the search results – thanks to the ClickSlice method.
A successful black and white photo featuring a cell phone and pen on a desk.
Here are some additional keywords we are targeting as part of the campaign too:
A successful black and white photo featuring a cell phone and pen on a desk.
Here are some additional keywords we are targeting as part of the campaign too:

Google Analytics Sessions

A successful black and white photo featuring a cell phone and pen on a desk.
Here are some additional keywords we are targeting as part of the campaign too:

That’s a massive 213% increase in monthly visits!
